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Autor:  Shizuteru

I'm preparing for going out at the moment. =D This weekend we have the ANIMACO in Berlin. An Anime and Manga convention.

I'm so excited!!! *o* there are so many drawing workshops and cosplay shows!
YAY and today is a special halloween event, too. XDD

But the most important things: I will meet my friends again!

I made a bento box because I'm afraid they just have instant noodles there. XDD
I don't want to starve or go to McDonalds.<__< Good bye fast food !!! XDD

I used the spring rolls I made with my mom yesterday evening.


I put the sauce into that little bottle. XDD

Datum: 31.10.2008 17:46
Weapons dont kill People
People kill People
Einzigst wahre DN Zirkel

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