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...everything has changed... baka, Winamp

Autor:  FruchtCocktail
Ab sofort Abends und mit MP3 Stream ;D     

TaTu - Stars

3 Points for Stranger-sama
2 Points for Kamonji
1 Points for AliceAndHerWonderland
Datum: 01.12.2007 11:50
Für alle, die es sich nicht merken können:
ich bin Stranger XD"
Datum: 01.12.2007 12:12
Datum: 01.12.2007 12:26
R.I.P. Merry!
"I had Paradise in these Hands. I Lost my Happiness. I knew too LittLe. I expected too much. I ignored my Friends. I have Lost the Paradise I created..."
"I got Lost on the Road of Life.."

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