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Top 15

- Reallife (555)
- The Shape Of Things To Come (217)
- offtopic (137)
- baka (124)
- Winamp (103)
- Work (101)
- Friends (63)
- Internet (59)
- Fun (56)
- Games (48)
- Youtube (37)
- Evolution (32)
- Animexx (29)
- Convention (25)
- Movies (25)

The Last Step - [Commentary] evolution, reallife, the shape of things to come, YotD

Autor:  FruchtCocktail
I figured ut was time that I wrote it all down, eventually.

But now that I've read through it, twice, I'm uncertain I'm really gonna publish it.
I shall sleep over it, if I feel the same way tomorrow morning.. I shall publish it.

Until then,
have a pleasent night.

I've decided against a publishing, since the content would not be considered lightly.
Also, some shrouds of mystery should remain none the less.


Chapter XI  is about to begin

What is this feeling, that’s put you in your place? Evolution, Reallife, The Shape Of Things To Come

Autor:  FruchtCocktail

What is this feeling
That’s put you in your place?
A hot red burning on the side
Of your face.
You feel the blood rush to your cheek,
Tears start to fill your eyes.
Your lips are trembling but you can’t speak
You’re trying, oh you’re trying not to cry.

Ya just got slapped (oooooh)
Across the face my friend. (ooooohooooho)
Ya just got slapped (ooooohohohohoooo)
Yes that really just happened. (oooooh ho ho ho hoohooo)
Well, everybody saw it, hah
Everybody laughed and clapped.
It was awesome.
You just got slapped.


Was haltet ihr von "Happy Slapsmas everybody" `? =D
2 Tage hab ich Zeit  xD           

Hardcore... do you want more? baka, Convention, Evolution, Reallife

Autor:  FruchtCocktail
2Tage noch bis zur Connichi x__x   

Still todo
PoT Tenimyu 1 Rips
Nickelback - Savin me
Vanilla Ninja - Tough Enough (?)
Mr. Big - Shine!