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Which Hero would you be? (Geklaut bei Teigtasche) Tests

Autor:  Babel-2
Batman / Bruce Wayne : 78%
Hannibal Lecter : 74%
Néo (Matrix) : 72%
Eric Draven (The Crow) : 72%
Indiana Jones : 70%
James Bond : 70%
Yoda (Star Wars) : 68%
Jim Levenstein (American Pie) : 68%
Tony Montana (Scarface) : 68%
Maximus (Gladiator) : 67%
Schrek : 66%
Forrest Gump : 57%

Quel héros de film es-tu ?

Datum: 21.04.2008 10:20
You can't post your shit in this messageboard.
We give you... a-boot-to-the-head *kick*
Datum: 21.04.2008 10:57
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
Datum: 21.04.2008 13:14
Love is only a feeling....
Datum: 23.04.2008 09:17

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