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Datum: 04.11.2010 10:03
Datum: 04.11.2010 20:48
Datum: 08.11.2010 23:38
Just when I believed I couldn't ever want for more
This ever changing world pushes me through another door
I saw you smile and my mind could not erase the beauty of you face
Just for awhile won't you let me shelter you
I wish that I could give you something more, that I could be yours
Datum: 12.11.2010 13:45
Mit freundlichen Grüßen und ohne die Absicht, jemanden verletzen oder gar ärgern zu wollen

Toto deshita
Datum: 12.11.2010 15:56
Just when I believed I couldn't ever want for more
This ever changing world pushes me through another door
I saw you smile and my mind could not erase the beauty of you face
Just for awhile won't you let me shelter you
I wish that I could give you something more, that I could be yours
Datum: 12.11.2010 16:00
"Shepperd Book hat einmal zu mir gesagt: "Wenn du nicht weiß was du tun sollst - dann tu das Richtige" - Jayne Cobb (Firefly)

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