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So wird also Calzone gemacht...

Autor:  Babel-2

... und da sag noch mal einer es passiert nix, wenn man den ganzen Tag auf der Arbeit aus dem Fenster schaut...

Darkness Rising

Autor:  Babel-2

~ I can see what you see not ~
~ Visions milky then eyes rot ~
~ When you turn they will be gone ~
~ Whispering their hidden song ~
~ Then you see what cannot be ~
~ Shadows move where light should be ~
~ Out of darkness, out of mind ~
~ Cast down into the Halls of the Blind. .. ~



Which Series-Hero would you be? (Zurückgeklaut von Eladamri) Tests

Autor:  Babel-2

Also das hat jetzt selbst mich überrascht. Aber cool ist es schon oder? *lach*

Cordell Walker (Walker Texas Ranger) : 81%
Rick Hunter : 74%
Tony Mitchelli (Who's the Boss?) : 70%
Mitch buchannon (Baywatch) : 70%
Alf : 69%
Hannibal Smith (The A-Team) : 67%
Will Smith (Fresh Prince of Bel Air) : 65%
Mac Gyver : 63%
Al Bundy (Married... with Children) : 61%
Joey (Friends) : 59%

Quel héros de série télé es-tu ?

Kurzweil in kurzer Arbeitswoche Tests

Autor:  Babel-2

You are The Hierophant (Highpriest)

Divine Wisdom. Manifestation. Explanation. Teaching.

All things relating to education, patience, help from superiors.The Hierophant is often considered to be a Guardian Angel.

The Hierophant's purpose is to bring the spiritual down to Earth. Where the High Priestess between her two pillars deals with realms beyond this Earth, the Hierophant (or High Priest) deals with worldly problems. He is well suited to do this because he strives to create harmony and peace in the midst of a crisis. The Hierophant's only problem is that he can be stubborn and hidebound. At his best, he is wise and soothing, at his worst, he is an unbending traditionalist.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.