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Neue Sprechstundenzeiten Animexx, offtopic, Reallife, The Shape Of Things To Come

Autor:  FruchtCocktail

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10:00 - 22:00


06:00 - 02:00

Always - OpenEnd

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Have A Nice Day!

Datum: 02.06.2008 11:33
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
Datum: 02.06.2008 11:54
"And you know what the truth is? The truth about them? About you?
About me? Do you? The truth is, we're all perfect. Just as we are.

God only loves that which is perfect and he loves you.
He loves you because you are perfect. You are perfect. Just as you are"
Datum: 02.06.2008 12:20
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
Datum: 02.06.2008 12:37
"And you know what the truth is? The truth about them? About you?
About me? Do you? The truth is, we're all perfect. Just as we are.

God only loves that which is perfect and he loves you.
He loves you because you are perfect. You are perfect. Just as you are"
Datum: 02.06.2008 12:38
Datum: 02.06.2008 12:49
"And you know what the truth is? The truth about them? About you?
About me? Do you? The truth is, we're all perfect. Just as we are.

God only loves that which is perfect and he loves you.
He loves you because you are perfect. You are perfect. Just as you are"
Datum: 02.06.2008 13:26
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
Datum: 02.06.2008 14:28
"And you know what the truth is? The truth about them? About you?
About me? Do you? The truth is, we're all perfect. Just as we are.

God only loves that which is perfect and he loves you.
He loves you because you are perfect. You are perfect. Just as you are"
Datum: 02.06.2008 14:54
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
Datum: 02.06.2008 14:58
"And you know what the truth is? The truth about them? About you?
About me? Do you? The truth is, we're all perfect. Just as we are.

God only loves that which is perfect and he loves you.
He loves you because you are perfect. You are perfect. Just as you are"

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